♡ aspects ♡

Aspects are the degree of angles between planets at the time you were born.

Aspects represent a connection or relationship between planets. How close or far apart planets are to each other can show how you take action and interact with others. There are five major aspects, five minor aspects, and hard and soft aspects.

Five major aspects: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition.

Five minor aspects: semi-sextile, semi-square, sesqui-quadrate, inconjunct, and quintile.

Hard aspects represent the parts of your life and personality you may struggle with the most.

Soft aspects represent the positive and otherwise easy parts of your life.


To find aspects in your birth chart, check the angle degree between two planets.

In astrology, soft and hard aspects tell you how you’ll react to certain opportunities or challenges.

hard aspects:

square, opposition

A conjunction is a neutral aspect that represents the strongest planetary expression.

This angle is dependent on planet connections, which makes it a hard and soft aspect.

(Some astrologers don’t consider conjunction a hard or soft aspect at all. Rather, they call it a strong or dynamic aspect as its influence triumphs all other aspects.)


If the planets in conjunction are incompatible, they create a hard aspect. If the planets in conjunction are compatible, they create a soft aspect. For example, a Mars and Neptune conjunct is a hard aspect because their relationship is inharmonious, meaning that their zodiac signs don’t get along. You can tell if planets are harmonious or not by looking at their zodiac signs.